The Top 30 Maxxis ESC Pro Plate Numbers for 2024 were awarded today!
Results were calculated by combining 2023 DH and Enduro Overall point totals
Congrats to everyone on a terrific racing season!
1 Noah COUTURE 2515
2 Kale CUSHMAN 2496
3 Luke MELLO 2225
4 Steve ESTABROOK 2059
5 Zeke NEUBAUER 2028
6 Adrian HAYDEN 1959
7 Dylan CONTE 1943
9 Tucker SHEARER 1727
10 Kory NAGY 1723
11 Josh POIRIER 1667
12 Mazie HAYDEN 1609
13 Maxine BERGERON 1579
14 Patrick PARÉ-MARTIN 1512
15 Avery ELLIS 1444
16 Cooper PLEVA 1429
17 Sean SURPRENANT 1375
18 Eli GADBOIS 1249
19 Willem COOPER 1181
20 Dan O’CONNOR 1124
21 Adam ROBBINS 1099
22 Alex MCANDREW 998
23 Lenci BOGDAN 980
24 Scott SMITH 954
25 Kelly DUBE 941
26 Serefina KRAJEWSKA 933
27 Nathan STERCKX 927
28 Sam POIRIER 920
29 Allan BISHOP 889
30 Gordon GOSS 843