Sugarloaf Mountain
** NOTE: All riders on the Race and Transfer segments at Sugarloaf Mountain on Saturday and Sunday must be registered racers with number plates. Can you imagine if all 300+ racers brought a friend?
There will be a Mandatory ENDURO Racers Meeting at 8:30am Sunday
Please watch our Virtual Racer Meeting as we will not cover this info at the live meeting
Mandatory Virtual Enduro Racers Meeting Click Here
We are excited to heading back to Maine for a Kask Showdown featuring an EWS Qualifier/ESC Stans Enduro series and an Intense DH series races at Sugarloaf Mountain. Sugarloaf has a great line up to keep racers, their families and spectators entertained all weekend. Including a kids balance bike race and a kids DS race on Saturday afternoon.
Things to do at Sugarloaf this weekend: https://www.sugarloaf.com/events-calendar/maxxis-eastern-states-cup
The NEUTRAL PIT AREA is the Sugarloaf Mountain Base Area and the Parking Lot only, no assistance allowed elsewhere including the transfers or race segments.
Attached are a couple documents for you to review, one is the map. We will NOT have printed maps for this event as the course is easy to follow, so if you want one please print it. The 2022 MAXXIS ESC Enduro rules are located HERE, there have been some changes, so it would be best to read everything.
Racers must be present at the racers meeting where we will activate their chips and follow the stage order as below:
Kate’s Kids Class and Kates Enduro Lite Class – Will compete on sections 3-5-2 in that order. Our Staff will conduct a course ride along on Saturday at 10:00am. Meet at the Registration Tents. The above may be adjusted, so please check with us at Registration. No parents may ride with their children unless they are registered racers. No parents may run behind their children.
Motorex E Bike Class – Will go first so be ready to roll at 8:30
NO SHUTTLING – That goes for everyone all the time at Sugarloaf Mountain. Trust us you will not be on the podium if you try, so don’t.
Registration – Please download and fill out all the attached documents prior to getting in the registration line. Minors will need to have their waivers notarized if their parent will not be present at registration check-in.
WAIVERS AND ENTRY FORM – Three forms need to be filled out, signed, and handed in at Race Onsite Check-in/registration. Save time download and fill them out prior to your arrival. All racers must sign a MAXXIS ESC and a venue waiver prior to practicing or registering at all events.
Racers under 18 must have a parent sign their waiver or supply a notarized parental signed copy. No other methods are allowed.
WAIVERS: All the documents below need to be printed and filled out even if you pre register online
Racers Must be on the podium when called to receive any
Enduro Racers must be present when their class is called up to activate their chips. Do not start the race without doing so or you will not get your racing times and be DQ’d.
Attached are a couple documents for you to review, one is the map. We will NOT have printed maps for this event as the course is easy to follow, so if you want one please print it. Please review the 2022 MAXXIS ESC Enduro rules on our website, there have been some changes, so it would be best to read everything.
All attached forms must be filled out even if you preregistered. Print them out, fill them in and save time.
$100 ENDURO TIMING CHIPS – We will be using our SIAC Fly By timing system for this ENDURO event. Please note if you do not return the SIAC Timing Chip you will owe us $100. Yes they cost that much. Other enduro series require the racers to use their own or rent them plus a deposit. We trust our racers until proven otherwise so please make sure to return the chip if you decide to leave early.
Please Note: GPS units on bars or stem may interfere with the SIAC Timing Chip so it’s best not to use one
Racers must be present at the racers meeting where we will activate their chips.
Please drive slowly through neighborhood while visiting Sugarloaf Mountain, we do not want to upset the neighbors and please visit the local restaurants and let them know you are there because of the enduro race.
There will be no Friday registration for this event. We have a lot of course set up and we really want to ride our bikes too !
FOX Transfer Seatpost Climbers Challenge Contested on the climb to stage 1
All Enduro Racers are automatically entered into the FOX TRANSFER Seatpost Climber’s Challenge.. The FOX Transfer Seatpost Climber’s Challenge is a separate competition within the MAXXIS ESC Enduro Series. The seatpost will be awarded to the fastest AMATEUR on the climb, while the fastest in every class gets some cool Fox swag. One uphill transfer at each race will be timed. That one transfer will have independent timing boxes, so racers can rest before and after the timed climb. The timed transfer does not count in the overall race time. It is MANDATORY for all enduro racers to Time IN and Time Out Regardless if you are trying or just transferring to the next stage.
Racers not chipping in or out for the FOX TRANSFER CLIMB will be assessed a time penalty
Racers can only win ONE FOX TRANSFER Seat Post per season!
Back this year is the FLAT TIRE DEFENDER Super Stage. This competition awards the fastest amateur male and amateur female one FLAT TIRE DEFENDER INSERT and the fastest in every class an FTD backpack with an FTD discount card inside, it will be contested on STAGE 1. Please note the winners will be announced and prizes awarded after the last racer has finished. Racers must be present to win awards
Back again this season is the INTENSE BIKES PODIUM PAYBACK Program that pays cash or certificates to racers that have raced with an Intense bike and have registered with Intense here: https://intensecycles.com/pages/podium-payback-program
The “KASK Showdown” weekends will feature both Enduro and Down Hill races at the largest resorts on our schedule. Kask Sports and the MAXXIS ESC will present high-end prizing for the top racers that race both Enduro and Downhill during the weekend.
We will be offering our 2022 Maxxis ESC Socks, Pint Glasses, T Shirts, jerseys and other swag at our registration tents, please remember its cash only.
Sugarloaf is offering Maxxis ESC races a lodging discount for Hotel rooms or condos. https://www.sugarloaf.com/booklodging?pid=20608#/room
The Mountain View Motel & Campground Less expensive motel and campground, approx 6 miles north
- Onsite Beach Grill open for lunch and après Friday and Saturday and for breakfast on Sunday.
- The Rack BBQ (on the access road) open 4p-9pm
- 45N (Hotel restaurant, open for breakfast and dinner)
- Flagstaff General Store
- The Bag and Kettle
- D’ellies bakery and café
- North in Stratton; Backstrap Grill, Coplin Dinner House (upscale) The Stratton Plaza (local dive bar)
- South in Kingfield; Rolling Fatties and Bar (Burritos) Tufulio’s Italian Restaurant and the Woodsman(breakfast).
CAMPING – Camping is available onsite, reservations and pre-payment are required please visit HERE
Local Coin Operated Showers: 6 miles north at The Mountain View Motel & Campground – 2 coin-operated showers ( 4 quarters gets you 4 minutes) they are located on the right-hand side of the Red Public Lounge, please park in the motel parking lot.
No fire allowed!
NUMBER PLATES – All racers must always have a 2022 Maxxis ESC Number plate attached to their bike while riding on the race tracks after 9am Saturday until event end on Sunday afternoon. If you have not paid for your 2022 Maxxis ESC number plate or registration, please note it is EXACT CASH only.
Friday – Friday Lift Pass NOT Included with registration
No Registration
9:00am – 4:00pm Sugarloaf Lift spins
Friday – Lift Access will be limited to registered racers, lift tickets will be required.$40 Friday Lift Tickets for registered racers only may be purchased here: https://shop.sugarloaf.com/s/mtb-event/p/maxxis-esc-friday-competitor-ticket
Saturday – Lift Pass Included with registration
8:30am – 2:00pm Registration
9:00am – 5:00pm Intense DH and Enduro Practice
3:00pm GT Bicycles Balance Bike Race: Free for ages 2-5. Info and registration here: Link Coming Soon from Sugarloaf: Register Here
3:30pm GT Bicycles Kids Dual Slalom Free for ages 5-12. Info and registration here: Link Coming Soon from Sugarloaf: Register Here
Sunday – Lift Pass Included with registration
8:00 – 8:15am Late Registration
8:15am Motorex Ebike/Kask Showdown Start
8:30am Mandatory Racer Meeting
9:00am Enduro Race Start– No Practice
9:00am-11:00am Intense DH Practice
11:30am Intense DH Race Start
- – That goes for all weekend for everyone. If you are seen/reported/caught/whatever shuttling, you will be assessed a time penalty. Trust us you will not be on the podium if you try, so don’t.
- NUMBER PLATES – Will be sold at registration for $10 each. A 2022 MAXXIS ESC Number Plate must be affixed correctly to your bike always while on the tracks this weekend. You will not be allowed to ride without one. No cuts or trimming allowed on the plate please.
- CASH ONLY –ATMs on site
- BUG SPRAY – You will want it and please don’t ask for ours…lol
- COLD – Temps expected in the 30’s overnights
- RAIN – Don’t even go there!!